Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Facade - 假面

I blog about my life. This makes anonymity very important to me. I live a double life. I enjoy sex a lot, but have to keep quiet about it. As an Asian woman, I am expected to live a respectful, conservative life. For Chinese, premarital sex, especially promiscuous premarital sex is frowned up. Chinese are very conservative sexually. That's not to said we are pure and never done anything amoral. It is as much about being quiet as being a pure and moral person. It is consider a disgrace and “losing face” if I made the intimate details of my life well known. Well, not like everyone is telling everyone else about their sex life. But for me, I have to be especially careful not to reveal anything. Only some of my most trusted friends knows. Not even my mom knows what's going on. I have to put a respectable front. I pretend to be a nice, reserved Asian woman. I can't not reveal anything to my co-workers, some of whom I am getting alone really well, and my family and friends about my sex life. I prefer to keep that a secret. I am fearful of what my family and friends would think of me if they know what I did last weekend. Well, actually, they would think that I am a slut and my mom pretty much will disown me. My co-workers will laugh at me behind my back. I want to avoid that at all cost.
Come to think of it, even though American like to think that they are more liberal sexually, compare to Asian. They aren't. They are as much conservative as Chinese. They are the same when it come to being quiet and maintain a respectable facade. Perhaps that's the common for all male dominated cultures worldwide. I bet I won't have to hide if I am a guy. But because I am a woman, people, regardless of cultures and races, will label me “slut.” Well, that's for another topic.
I want to be honest without revealing my true identity. So there we go: Karen is my real name, Fow is not. Fow is an important name to me, which is why I choose that name as my Google account. My Chinese nickname is “Little Flower”, I used it as my twitter account Karen_Flower. Everyone else, their names have been changed, though everything else remained truthful.

我想要在不公開自己身份的情況下誠實﹕我的本名是Karen﹐Fow不是我的名字﹐而是我生命中一個很重要的名字。所以就拿來當作Google的帳號。我的中文小名是“小花”﹐我拿來當作我的twitter帳號 karen_flower

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