Monday, September 21, 2009

Fun Weekend -有趣的週末

It was a fun weekend. On Saturday afternoon, I went to shopping with Bill, my best friend Judy, and her boyfriend Lee. Judy is the only Chinese girlfriends of mine that knows about my private life. Not only I trust her not to gossip (she even kept my secret from her boyfriend, Lee only think that Bill was courting me), but she also never judges me. I love her for that. We went to Beverly Center. There were so crowded during the weekend. The traffic was particularity bad when we were going inside the parking lots. Good thing Bill was driving. He was really patience. After some difficulties finding parking space, we were in the Beverly Center. Although there were a lot of people inside, it wasn't crowded. According to Bill, there were a lot of cute girls in this mall. He was right. There were a lot of beautiful women there, even I was looking. While Bill was looking at a pretty girl, I half-jokingly poked him at the rib. He cried out lightly. Judy was laughing hard. We had a great time there.

We went to a Izakaya, a Japanese style tavern/tapas bar that serves great food which accompany alcoholic drinks. Four of us shared a bottle of beer. Out of four of us, only Lee was capable of drinking. I drank lightly. Bill can drink about one cup of beer. Judy couldn't drink at all. That beer was finished almost entirely by Lee and me. Lee wasn't satisfy and ordered a small sake to drank with me. I only had one small cup of sake. We also ordered a lot of dishes, some grill food and soup and fried food. The food was great. I asked Judy how they found this place. Their friends recommend this place to them. They loved to came here. After dinner, Bill drove Judy and Lee home and then we went back to my place. Obviously we had sex. Bill slept over at my place that night.

Sunday afternoon, I met up with my girlfriends and we played mahjong. Other than mahjong, one girlfriend who was a mom, brought her baby. We competed to played with the baby. Not yet one year old, the baby was super adorable. When I held the baby, she was so soft. Kind of funny. I didn't win nor lose in mahjong this time. We only play small amount of money.

這個週末過得滿好玩的。禮拜六下午和Bill以及我最要好的姐妹-Judy和她男友Lee去逛街。Judy是我華人女性朋友中唯一知道我私生活的人。我不僅信任她不會到處八卦﹐連對男友她都保密﹐忠厚老實的Lee只以為Bill在追我﹐而且她不會對我有道德上的批評。我們到Beverly Center逛街。那裡週末真是人來人往﹐車子真多﹐尤其是進出停車場時﹐更是擁擠到不行。還好Bill開車技術好﹐又有耐心。好不容易進去了Beverly Center。裡面人潮雖然多﹐不過還好沒到擁擠不堪的地步。Bill說這個mall漂亮美眉特別多﹐果然如此﹐美女真的很多﹐連我都忍不住多看幾眼。在Bill專注看美眉時﹐我半開玩笑的用力戳了他一下﹐他輕叫了一聲﹐Judy開懷大笑。我們四人就這樣開心的逛了一下午。



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