Monday, September 14, 2009

New Book Reveals the Real Reason Women Have Sex - Sex | Erectile Dysfunction | Sexual Health -

New Book Reveals the Real Reason Women Have Sex - Sex | Erectile Dysfunction | Sexual Health -

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Hahaha, Betsy sent me this link. That's so funny. Come to think of it, it is kind of true. When I first read the article, I was laughing hard and questioned the research. But after carefully thinking deeply about my motive whenever I met with my sexual partners, most likely it is to relieving boredom. Don't get me wrong, the sex with my partners were great. I enjoyed a lot. And I did have sex in passionate moments and sex for pleasure. In fact, I just had a great, and extremely pleasurable sex this past weekend. But most of the time, like the research said, I have sex to relieve boredom. Also, In the article, there is a woman had sex with her husband so he could take out trash. That's a little bit extreme in my opinion, but I understand why she did that. When I was in serious relationship, I did use sex as a tool to manipulated/negotiated with my boyfriend of the time. Well, actually, I think most women did that to their partners. I bet most women are like that. Not as extreme as using sex to make a guy to take out trash, but, yeah, we use sex to make guys do things. Isn't this fairly obvious?

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