Friday, October 30, 2009

Holloween custome -萬聖節裝扮

Tomorrow is Halloween. Betsy invited me to their costume/sex party. I still have no idea what my costume will be, even though the party is tomorrow night. Sure, I will end up naked anyway, regardless of my costume. Haha. But still!! It is a costume party, I HAVE to put on some sort of costume. They even have a costume contest. Not that I expect to win anything, but every girl wants to be the center of attention in a party. Last year I rented my costume from a local party supply store. I went as a slutty nurse. Men surrounded me like bees surrounded flower and had wild sex with me. I love it, but I don't think it's ok to wear the same costume. Not that those pervs will notice anything anyway. And I definitely wouldn't mind a repeated performance. Hahaha. I don't want to spent money on rental. But it is late and I don't have anything interesting in my closet. Wearing bikini with a trench coat? What am I suppose to be? No. I went to a public high school so there is no school uniform. I can't go as a school girl. Well, even if I have a high school uniform, I probably can't fit. Sigh :( I don't think there is anything I can do other than rental. It's too late to choose costume, I can only wear whatever they have in store. Pray that's something sexy. I better bring the bikini with a trench coat, in case they only have gorilla suit left. Haha.

明天是萬聖節﹐Betsy邀請我去參加他們的化妝晚會/性愛派對。明晚就要派對了﹐而我還在為要穿哪種裝扮而傷腦筋。到最後還是光著屁股啦﹐哈哈。話雖如此﹐畢竟是化妝晚會﹐總要打扮一番﹐派對裡還有裝扮比賽呢﹐看誰的裝扮最特別。我是沒有預期會贏什麼獎啦﹐不過愛漂亮的女生都是希望成為派對的焦點。去年我是跟此地一家派對用具的專賣店租一套“性感俏護士服”﹐結果引得一群色迷迷的男人圍繞在身邊﹐狂熱的和我做愛。我愛死這種情況﹐只是今年不好再穿一模一樣的裝扮﹐雖然色迷迷的男人未必會發現到什麼﹐我也絕對不介意去年的狀況重演﹐哈哈。我不願花錢租衣服﹐不過那麼遲還沒有決定要穿什麼﹐我衣櫥裡也沒什麼奇特的服裝﹐只穿比基尼加件外套﹖哪算是什麼改裝﹐不行。我讀的是公立高中﹐沒有制服﹐也不能打扮成制服學生妹。其實就算有高中制服﹐我現在能不能穿得下呢﹖唉:( 除了明天去租衣服之外﹐好像也沒什麼辦法。已經這麼遲了﹐也只能看店裡有什麼就穿什麼。希望是個性感的衣服。我想還是把比基尼加大衣準備好﹐免得萬一商店裡只剩下猩猩服就完了。哈哈。

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